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Ready for a top-notch CFO but not full time?

Some clients have a  functioning structure in place, and now they're ready to take their business to the next level.  You may be ready to develop targeted analytical tools, or to have your reporting deliver the info you need, when you need it. 


We can help with a veteran CFO to suit your needs. We combine creativity and experience with  wide array of affordable tools that level the playing field for small & mid-size businesses... working WITH and growing your team.


Spending too much time managing cash flow?

Perhaps your P&L looks fine, but you're constantly chasing operating money.  It may seem that the more you grow, the tighter the cash gets!  Or you're not growing fast enough to manage your cash needs, and you aren't sure why:  Pricing?  Product mix? Spending? Too much debt? 


We can help with analytics, and get cash and working capital on a plan with a robust forecast  that lets you sleep at night.

Need to be able to walk away without the wheels falling off?

It's common to outgrow systems.  Whether it's accounting, managing staff, controlling processes, or measuring results, change & growth put stress on internal systems, and a realignment may be in order.

We can help with internal controls, timely reporting, staff realignment, the creation of self-directed work team and clear operating indicators and decision tools.


Are things just not working for you any more?

The life cycle of a business often includes periodic restructuring.  The causes are varied:  the IRS,  the bank, partners or stockholders, growth, falling sales, board concerns, or an unexpected death.  Some business owners are wary of the information they're getting but fear changing key personnel; some even feel held hostage by their own staff. 

We can help.  You're not the first, and  you're not  alone.  We have the experience  to roll up our sleeves and work it out.


Founded in 2001, we are not your traditional CPA firm.   We don't do income tax returns or audits (we work with your preferred professionals for those functions.)  We are street fighters who bring an outside perspective to each client by fiercely stewarding assets as if they were our own, and using practical tools & solutions to increase profits, maximize cash flow, and grow the value of your business.  We also develop healthy leadership teams, and use robust simulations to develop long-range plans and strategies.

The stylized version of Rodin's "The Thinker" is a reminder of who we are at nVision.  Yes, we love to be crazy clever, frugal, and ruthlessly efficient, but we also believe that sculpting a growing business is an awful lot like like sculpting art:  in addition to seeing the vision and making it come alive, we chisel away anything that doesn't contribute.   We won't waste your time or your money.

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Thanks for your inquiry! We will be in touch with you shortly.

PO Box 1714

Green Bay WI  54305-1714

Office:  920-347-1742

Mobile/Text:  920-370-8012

Fax:  920-430-0518

​What's your story?

How can we help?


One Word:  Brilliant!  The stars are

beginning to align.



Brilliant!  The stars are starting to align.



The systems she created gave us what we needed, & were flexible enough to allow us to work through significant change while operating in the public eye.

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She is meticulous in detail, and yet thinks out of the box.  She is extremely honest and has impeccable people skills.  We will continue to highly recommend her services to our clients

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She is a wealth of information.  She will not only validate your calculations but will provide educational direction throughout the process to help you gain better control & knowledge of your institution's data.



Your ability to handle things on the fly is nothing short of spectacular.  Sincerely, no blowing smoke up your skirt, you are by far the smartest person I know... and the way you can relay info is amazing.

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